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A Noahide Chanukah Diary

“I printed up instructions for how to light the candles, where to place them. We celebrated with an awkward tension. How do we do this? We have no cultural references.”

Zot Chanukah

Zot Chanukah - the 8th Chanukah light. When compared to the "ohr ein sof" that burns in the Chanukah candles, the so-called "light" of enlightenment and modern philosophy is utter darkness…

Strength of Chanukah

Mattatyahu and his sons were masters at truth clarification. They weren't willing to live for two minutes without the truth. That's where they derived the courage...

A No-Debt Chanukah

Chanukah is soon here; the financial burden of being "obligated" to buy gifts for everyone is making people dread what they should be joyously anticipating. What should they do?

Chanukah and Jewish Unity

One of the most eloquent symbols of this "universalism through particularism" is the Menorah. Above all, it is a symbol of Divine wisdom; as such, it is also a symbol of unity...

A Chanukah Story

One winter afternoon, as Mr. Hilvicht was taking his daily stroll, he noticed a group of Jewish children playing happily. All, that is, except for one boy who was crying...

Power of the Pure

Since the holiness of the Chanuka candles is so great and the Divine Presence is so prominent, sitting by the Chanuka candles is like sitting in Hashem's arms.